Proton-transfer type molecular ferroelectrics hold significant promise for practical application due to their large spontaneous polarizations, high Curie temperatures, and small switching fields. However, it remains puzzling that preparation of quasi-2D films exhibiting macroscopic ferroelectric behaviors has been reported in only few molecular ferroelectrics. To address this puzzle, we studied the impact of microstructures on the macroscopic ferroelectric properties of 5,6-dichloro-2-methylbenzimidazole (DCMBI) films grown using the low-temperature deposition followed by the restrained crystallization (LDRC) method. Our findings revealed a competition between dense spherulites and porous microstructures containing randomly oriented nanograins in the as-grown films. Post-growth annealing at moderate temperature promotes the formation of spherulites, leading to macroscopic ferroelectric polarization switching. These results underscore the critical role of microstructure density in determining macroscopic ferroelectric properties, potentially resolving the puzzle for the absence of such behavior in many molecular ferroelectric films. We anticipate that the approach proposed in this study to enhance microstructure density will significantly advance the fabrication of quasi-2D molecular ferroelectric films and unlock their potential in device applications.
September 30, 2024